Shaw Trust run Children’s home featured on BBC News Online

21 August

One of our children’s home which has helped Somerset Council save £2m in its first year of opening has been featured in a BBC News Online piece. Read the full article here.

BBC Political Correspondent Alex Forsyth visited the Somerset-based home on Tuesday 6 August, as part of a piece on Local Authority finances. The piece explored how partnerships like Homes and Horizons can help councils save money whilst delivering a better standard of care for children and young people.

Alex chatted for over an hour with home manager Kelly Field, and spent time looking around the home. Alex was keen to know more about what makes our homes different, and how our partnership with Somerset Council allows us to create more of a family environment for the children we support.

“This is a family home and everything in it is representing what a normal family home should look like,” Kelly explained. “There’s a lot of stigma attached to children’s residential homes and what they might look like and we need to try and beat that.”

Lib Dem Somerset Council leader, Bill Revans, also attended the visit on Tuesday. Bill commented on the impact of making savings in children’s care. He said “We were having to find placements, though I prefer to think of them as homes, in other parts of the country and pay a huge amount of money for those when really if we can provide a cheaper and better solution here in Somerset that’s better for everyone.”

At Shaw Trust, we believe that partnerships, not profiteering, are the future for delivering great care for children. If you are interested in learning more about how a strategic partnership with us could help your organisation improve care for young people while reducing costs, we’d love to hear from you.

Please get in touch with us by emailing for more information.

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