Youth Resources
Shaw Trust Youth is here to help young people discover their potential and find their path in education or work, no matter where they start or what challenges they face.
As part of our work with young people we share their stories and provide a range of resources that anyone can use.
Explore the guides, tips and inspiring stories from others who have been part of our programmes below.
Download our free resources
Download CV Templates, Cover Letter Templates and Interview Tips, designed and tested by Shaw Trust.

National Careers Week – A story of ‘You CAN’

Trip to Nottingham: Youth Participation Ambassador Report

Trip to Norwich: Youth Participation Ambassador Report

Introducing Ramizah, the new Youth Participation Ambassador

A year as a Youth Participation Ambassador

Young minds, big changes: Brent youth lead service rebrand
“We will always include young people in decision making processes that affect them, wherever possible. Young people will be equal partners and recognised as experts on their own lives”.
For a full list of our services please click here