Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES)

IPES is a voluntary programme for England and Wales. It supports people with disabilities and complex barriers into work. IPES offers a holistic approach focusing on more than just getting a job. 

It looks at areas affecting clients including their ability to work, their family, financial or personal circumstances.

What is Intensive Personalised Employment Support (IPES)?

We work with you and your client to identify their barriers to work and provide intensive support with the aim of moving them closer to employment. We focus on building their confidence, managing disability and health concerns and improving their overall wellbeing and mental health. Most importantly we ensure that any employment opportunities are sustainable, providing ongoing support and progression.

Who is it for?

IPES is for clients who face complex barriers into employment, and are considered by Jobcentre Work Coaches to be more than 12 months from the labour market without intensive support.


What will IPES offer?

IPES focuses on supporting clients into employment through support tailored to an individual’s needs. Our service is aimed at overcoming barriers, identifying and achieving employment aspirations and providing consistent contact with intensive support.

What makes IPES different?

IPES is delivered by a multi-disciplinary team offering enhanced employer support, a minimum of 16 hours work experience and regular case conferences to identify need, alongside celebrating progress. The service is underpinned by a sustainable support network to help address any barriers to success.

Are you eligible?

To qualify for support your client must:

  • Have the right to work and currently reside in England or Wales.
  • Not be in any form of paid employment.
  • Be of working age (18 to State Pension age).
  • Not be currently participating in other Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Contracted Employment provision.

What support can your client expect from IPES?​

Participants on IPES can expect to receive a minimum of 15 months intensive support to achieve and sustain employment, followed by up to 6 months of in work support and a further 6 months of transitional support.

This tailored support will cover key areas including:

  • Family and personal responsibilities.
  • Preparing for and finding work.
  • Life skills and experience.
  • Money management

Join the IPES Programme

IPES programme has now closed to new referrals. Please visit Shaw Trust for our range of services in your area.