Specialist support helps Gurpreet regain her confidence following sight loss

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After the birth of her son, Gurpreet experienced a loss of vision. This led her to believe she wouldn’t be able to continue in paid employment and left her feeling inadequate.
We supported Gurpreet and introduced her to the specialist support team at RNIB where she accessed practical help with Braille and cane training. This gave her confidence and independence. She soon made use of specialist volunteers at Shaw Trust and employment courses, IT training and mock interviews.
Gurpreet has now successfully started a job as a fragrance tester. In this new role her heightened sense of smell is an advantage, and her visual impairment is not a barrier.
Reflecting on her experience Gurpreet said “Going out was frightening, I had a fear… now I know bus routes, I can travel on the tube and trains, I take my children to the park, on play dates, this is my future. And I always keep my support manager updated as we started this journey together.”