Putting T at ease for her health assessment

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T has multiple health conditions related to her physical, neurological and mental health. An assessment was booked with an Occupational Health Practitioner (OHP), but T was anxious about the session and the number of questions she was going to be asked.
The OHP offered reassurance and discussed various options, agreeing to complete the assessment in two parts to reduce the information T needed to process in each session. They also arranged for the calls to take place on loudspeaker, with T’s support manager present. The OHP made the support manager aware of what would be discussed in each 60 minute session in advance.
The support manager was incredibly grateful to the OHP for making the adjustments needed to allow T to complete the assessment. With the support manager on hand, T felt as though she was talking to a person and was on the right track to get some medical support. Completing the assessment over two sessions was also helpful, as it allowed her “to take some time between calls to separate her experience with physical and mental health/neurological conditions, and to prepare for the conversation”. It also helped her to accurately detail her experiences.
T is still on the Work and Health Programme with the same Support Manager who has built a good relationship with her. Through having a good understanding of Ts needs and abilities, she has helped to make her feel at ease to talk about her health.