Connect IPS

What is Connect IPS ?
This service is a free, voluntary service, which aims to help people who are accessing support for substance use to find and sustain paid employment.
How does the service work for you?
A dedicated Shaw Trust Employment Specialist will work with you and your Connect Drug and Alcohol Worker to understand what your “in-work” future could look like, what you want to do and what adjustments and support you may need from an employer. Once you are in work, they will provide you in-work support which will include regular confidential reviews.
Once referred onto the programme, you will meet with one of our highly trained Employment Specialists who will:
- Get to know you.
- Create an employment action plan based on what you want to do.
- Prepare your CV / practice for interviews.
- If required, support with how to positively disclose your mental health condition to an employer.
- Job search and engage with employers.
- Help with retaining an existing role.
- Provide ongoing in-work support.
- Advise on welfare benefits and how these could be affected by going into work support.
To be eligible for the programme, you must be:
- Over 18 years old
- Accessing Connect
- Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service
- Living in Wiltshire
- Interested in finding paid work
You can opt out of the service at any time, if you feel it is not right for you.
How do I access the service?
Please speak directly to your Connect Drug and Alcohol Worker or simply complete form below:
Alternatively, you can contact us on:
The Connect IPS service is funded by Office for Health Improvement Disparities (OHID) and delivering on behalf of Turning Point.