By learning to live in the moment, Ben finds a new perspective on life after judo

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When Ben came to Live Well Kent and Medway he told us he had little hope for his future. Anxiety meant he found it difficult to leave the house.
Until he was 19, Ben had been a successful judo professional – travelling the world to take part in tournaments. However, when he was 17 Ben developed Crohn’s disease. By 19, his deteriorating health meant giving up judo.
This sent his life on a very different course.
Ben was referred to our counselling service. His confidence grew daily and he learned to accept himself. After completing the course, Ben applied to be a Shaw Trust volunteer – attending groups, sharing his journey, and helping people to believe in themselves again.
Ben has now achieved 8 City and Guilds certificates, he has become a business owner, a qualified mechanic, an MOT examiner and a fully qualified MOT manager.
“When I first came to Live Well Kent and Medway I wanted to take my own life. I had nothing and nobody to turn to. I had sessions with Julie and then I was introduced to the ‘Living in the Moment’ group. I learned so much in the group about myself; I learned to live in the moment and grab every opportunity with both hands, I learned to love myself and all that I am. I have been given the tools to be able to deal with everyday life. My life has changed so much.”
Ben continues to raise awareness around mental health and the services available to help by telling his story.
We nominated Ben for a Social Prescribing Award and he won the award for the most inspirational person 2022.
We’re proud of the positive impact we’re having, but our work is far from over. We’re committed to expanding our services and launching new offerings to fully meet people’s needs.