Adapt, Belong, Achieve (ABA)
What is ABA?
Transitioning between year groups and schools/colleges can be an exciting time full of opportunities. At the same time, it can also be worrying moving into the unknown. Adapt, Belong, Achieve is a three-tiered mentoring programme aiming to improve individual experiences when transitioning from year groups 6 into 7 and 11 into 12.
What we offer
- Wellbeing and resilience mentoring: A qualified professional mentor working with a mentee in school.
- Peer mentoring: We train and develop young people attending the same school to support those struggling to settle in. Providing a friendly face and an ongoing point of support throughout the school year.
- Clinical counselling: A trained counsellor providing therapeutic support for young people.
How we work
- Should be experts in their own lives.
- Should be part of the decision-making process wherever possible.
- Are equal partners.
- Our programme is flexible and collaborative, ensuring the best possible outcomes for young people and enabling them to reach their full potential.
- Tailored to individual needs sessions are both 1:1 and/or group sessions where young people will receive support before and during their transition.
Supporting young people with building confidence and resilience allowing them to flourish as they transition from primary to secondary school or from year 11 to sixth form / college.
Sessions are fun, interactive and enable young people to gain new skills and perspectives.
Where we work
We work with young people in their school or community both in person and virtually across Havering. Referrals can be made by any school with a group of young people who would benefit from this type of support.
If you would like more information or would like to make a referral, please email us or submit an enquiry below!