Supporting your organisation to become disability confident

More than eight million people of working age in the UK are disabled or have a health condition and disabled people are twice as likely to move out of work than non-disabled people.

Disability Confident is a FREE government scheme designed to help employers make the most of the benefits provided by employing disabled people. The scheme aims to embed practices and methods based around equality at the very heart of an organisation.




Benefits of becoming Disability Confident

Disability Confident employers play a leading role in changing attitudes for the better.

They are changing behaviour and cultures in their own businesses, networks and communities. They think differently about disability, and improve how they attract, recruit and retain disabled workers.

It also helps customers and other businesses identify those employers who are committed to equality in the workplace.

You will also be able to:

  • Draw from the widest possible pool of talent.
  • Secure high quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard working.
  • Improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating that you treat all employees fairly.

Helping you become Disability Confident

As a Disability Confident Leader Shaw Trust is able to support you on your journey to becoming a recognised Disability Confident Employer.

The first step is to become Disability Confident Committed by identifying at least one thing that you can do that will make a difference for disabled people.

To progress to becoming a Disability Confident Employer you will need to complete a self-assessment of your business in two key areas:

Getting the right people for your business.
Keeping and developing your people.
We will support you by offering guidance on best practice and how to evidence this through self-assessment.

Our team can identify areas for development with your recruitment and working practices, while our employer engagement teams will help you source the right talent to strengthen inclusion and diversity in your organisation. Working with us will also help you fulfil your corporate and social responsibility (CSR) commitments.

To learn more about becoming Disability Confident email

How does it work?

There are three levels of the Disability Confident journey. You must complete each level before moving on to the next.

Level 1 Disability Confident Committed
The first step is to sign up as Disability Confident Committed. This involves providing your contact details; signing up to the Disability Confident commitments and identifying at least one thing you can do to make a difference for disabled people.

Once you sign up, you will receive a certificate to recognise your commitment, a badge for your website and branding materials to use for 12 months.

Level 2 Disability Confident Employer
To become a Disability Confident Employer you will need to carry out a self-assessment of your business to ensure you meet the criteria, this includes getting the right people for your business, retaining them and helping them develop.

Level 3 Disability Confident Leader
By stepping up to become a Disability Confident Leader, your business can gain recognition among your peers. You will be acting as a champion within your local and business community, your supply chain and your networks. To become a Disability Confident Leader, you will need to have your self-assessment validated from outside your business and show what you have done as a Disability Confident Leader.

Supporting your Disability Confident journey

Shaw Trust Accessibility Services supports organisations in the private, public and charitable sectors to create an accessible environment, both digitally and physically. Being accessible makes good business sense improving engagement, search engine optimisation (SEO) and user experience providing a competitive edge. Our Accessibility Services team has over 30 years’ collective experience and a passion for supporting organisations to become accessible. Our team members bring a unique range of lived experience and will help you engage with stakeholders including staff, customers, suppliers and investors to meet web accessibility standards and comply with legislation.

How to contact us

If you require support contact