Shaw Trust has received the National Equality Standard (NES) accreditation for a second time

The assessment bar has been raised since our initial assessment, so we’re thrilled to have achieved an even better outcome with 32 competencies rated green and three amber. This is an improvement on the 29 green and six amber given in 2021. Shaw Trust was scored highest amongst the peer organisations assessed and was rated five out of five in organisational diversity and inclusion maturity.  

NES assessors looked at our approach to Diversity and Inclusion as an employer. They reviewed our practices, policies, and procedures, and interviewed colleagues about our culture. 

This achievement is an important recognition of our commitment to leading the diversity and inclusion agenda. And it marks the culmination of many months of hard work which was led by our Diversity and Inclusion team.  

Our Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Michelle Jackson, said: “I am so proud that we have achieved the National Equality Standard for the second time. It’s fantastic that the progress we have made in embedding diversity and inclusion in all areas of the business has been recognised, as has our continued commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive organisation where everyone feels that they belong and can progress.”  

Our work to make further improvements is ongoing, including the development  of  an action plan to address the recommendations contained within the report.  

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