Uncovering hidden talent: Helping employers create inclusive workplaces

From 2 September to 13 September, Shaw Trust is running the ‘Hidden Talent’ campaign, a powerful initiative to highlight talented people who are often overlooked during the hiring process. Hidden talent includes people with unique skills and abilities who might be missed due to non-inclusive hiring practices. These people have so much to offer, and by recognising their potential, we can build a more inclusive and innovative workforce.

The ‘Hidden Talent’ campaign is all about raising awareness and giving employers practical tips to make their hiring practices more inclusive. We want to help create a job market where everyone has the chance to succeed.

We’re proud to collaborate with the Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) for this campaign. Together, we’ll share best practices in inclusive employment including the benefits of hiring a diverse workforce, a step-by-step guide to creating an inclusive recruitment process, how to write inclusive job descriptions and provide employers with the tools they need to find and support hidden talent.

The campaign leads up to ERSA’s Employability Day on 13 September, a day to unite and celebrate the vital work done across the sector to support every person in finding and good employment, despite ongoing social and economic challenges.

Throughout the campaign, we’ll showcase the potential of diverse talent through real-life success stories and practical advice for both employers and job seekers. This includes our new ‘Inclusive hiring toolkit,’ designed to help businesses create more inclusive workplaces.

By embracing diversity, employers can unlock the full potential of every candidate, leading to success and growth for their organisations. Together, we can build a more inclusive and thriving job market for everyone.

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