On Friday 5 of April, I had the privilege of joining Matilda Newman-Smart, our Youth Participation Lead in the City of London and our young volunteers who make up our City of London’s Youth Forum (CYF).
Following the election, we gave thanks to our departing Member of Youth Parliament and Deputy, Louis and Nabeel and celebrated the incoming duo. Over the past two years Louis and Nabeel have been involved in numerous projects, planned and delivered events for other young people and worked with Shaw Trust and City of London Corporation colleagues to get things done.
From a meeting room in City of London Corporation’s prestigious Guildhall, we welcomed Zahra as our new Member of Youth Parliament and Tom as Deputy Member. Louis and Nabeel provided Zahra and Tom with words of advice, learning and inspiration.
Zahra and Tom spoke about their manifesto pledges, why they are important to them and their peers and what first steps they will take. We heard about their ambitious manifesto pledges and witnessed them work with other forum members to create a shared vision.
Both Zahra and Tom campaigned with Mental Health as a key manifesto pledge, Zahra’s second pledge was around air quality in the square mile, and Tom’s was about increasing engagement in extra-curricular activities.
Through discussions with other young people in the Forum, it was noted that both of these second pledges have a significant impact on mental health. With the support of the City Youth Forum, Zahra and Tom agreed on the following vision statement, setting out what they are working towards for all young people who live, work or study in the City of London.
“Young people are happier, healthier, more informed and engaged with the opportunities around them.”
This ambitious and powerful vision proves we have an exciting two years ahead, collaborating between Shaw Trust, City of London Corporation, City Youth Forum and young people who live, work or study in London’s square mile!